Career Counseling is a process through which we match the aptitude ,skills and interests of the students with various streams and courses. This will further lead to the apt selection of a career and university.

Career counseling is an important determinant in identifying the actual potential of students towards a concerned career path. Career Counseling is not a one time activity. Therefore, it ought to start at an early age, the best time being from 9th standard, because identifying and analyzing the inherent as well as acquired skills of a student is a time consuming process and need several interactions between student and counselor.

Career Counseling and mentoring has a deep influence on an individual’s career. With more and more diverse career options and professional opportunities emerging, we at VinEduzone help individuals make the right choice about their career paths, career development and career change. All of us require career guidance at some point in our life. It helps us get insights about ourselves, our career and what we can do to improve it.

Why Do I Need Career Counseling?

In the general scenario, people have limited knowledge about that vastness of career availability in different streams. With its obligatory tools, career counseling increases this knowledge leading to timely acknowledgement of the various options. This further leads to right career selection ensuring future success in the concerned fields.

Career Counseling initiates introspection. It helps individuals to identify their own pros and cons. It answers the questions of WHAT TO CHOOSE and WHAT NOT TO CHOOSE.

Genuine counsel can make a candidate sure about his/her choices. It reduces the uncertainity regarding their future decisions. With enhanced confidence, they can work with greater zeal. A good career counselor gives them approach to all the facts and figures required to make the right decisions and gives the result based on the results and expert knowledge.


Career Counseling helps a student choose a field that is in tune with their skills and their job expectations.

Analyzing the personality of the candidate helps them set goals and objectives for improved employment or business results.

Educational support and guidance.

Assistance in identifying the most suitable job.

Exploration of market options available.

Self-Branding: A Career Counselor guides you in making yourself marketable in the current market domain.

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